OOP(object oriented programming)在程式的的撰寫以及維護上有很好的性質,當然這些好的性質姑狗一下就有,在這裡就不多說,在這裡主要記錄關於php相關的oop觀念
1. 物件create
<?php class Courier{ public $name; pbulic $home_country; public function __construct($name){ $this->name = $name; return true; } public function ship($parcel){ return true; } } ?>
2. 實例化一個object
<?php $ mono = new Courier('Monospace Delivery'); ?>
3. static property & method
<?php class Courier{ public $name; public $home_country; public static function getCouriersByCountry($country){ // get home_country = $country list // add result to an array -> courier_list echo $country_list; } } ?>
$spanish_couriers = Courier::getCouriersByCountry('Spain');
4. object inheritance(繼承)
class可以繼承或是擴充(extend)一個父類別(parent class),所以要繼承parent可用extends關鍵字
<?php //Parent class class Courier{ public $name; public $home_country; public function __construct($name){ $this->name = $name; return true; } public function ship($parcel){ // ship package to destination return true; } public function calculateShipping($parcel){ $rate = 1.78; $cost = $rate * $parcel->weight; return $cost; } } // Child class class MonotypeDelivery extends Courier{ public function ship($parcel){ // put items in box // send return true; } } // Child class class PigeonPost extends Courier{ public function ship($parcel){ // capture Messenger // attach package // send return true; } } ?>
5. Array & Dictionary
<?php // create an array $array = array(); // add item to array $array[] = "item"; // Array $array[$key] = "item"; // Dictionary array_push($array, "item", "another item"); //Array // remove item from array $item = array_pop($array); $item = array_shift($array); unset($array[$key]); ?>
最後php有個很好用的function可以幫助debug-> var_dump(obj)
<?php $array = array("foo", "bar", "hello", "world"); var_dump($array); ?>
array(4) { [0]=> string(3) "foo" [1]=> string(3) "bar" [2]=> string(5) "hello" [3]=> string(5) "world" }